Monday, March 30, 2009

Finally getting around to organizing my stash.  I've decided to store the needles in our library card catalog.  I'm thinking some of the yarn will go in there as well - it just seems to make sense.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

All back to normal

My knitting arrived from Vegas yesterday!  Whew.  It's nice to have it back, though I don't have much time to knit.  Work and household stuff are keeping me busy.  Also it's my husband's birthday tomorrow.  I have a present but haven't yet planned the evening.  He'll probably be exhausted and have work to do, but I'd like to make it special anyway.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Oops!  My Frivol Hat project accidentally fell out of my bag while we were leaving the Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas on the way home from our honeymoon.  Luckily I noticed it was missing right away and hotel security was able to retrieve it.  It's on it's way back home as of today.  Whew!

On a related note, I'm looking forward to getting back to knitting now that wedding planning is over.  We have a lot of thank you notes to write but we have a year to complete those.

Some more news (well, not so new anymore):  I went with my friend Marne to Craftstravaganza at the State Fairgrounds in St. Paul, MN in early May.  I was really looking forward to it and it did not disappoint!  I splurged and picked up five skeins of Aisha Celia's hand-spun/hand-dyed yarn.  I also picked up an embroidered patch from Moe Sew Co along with a few other small things.  And we got there before it opened so that we could get a swag bag!  It was uncharacteristically cold that day but well worth the trip.

Monday, February 25, 2008

And here's the promised picture of the finished Quant.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Busy, busy!

I recently started, frogged, then restarted frivol. I was inspired by FlintKnit's version and ended up buying three skeins of the same yarn in the same colorway she used, Rio De La Plata Yarns Merino Santa Maria in Honey Mustard. I'm hoping to make some matching mittens with the two extra skeins, that's how much I love this pattern and color!

The provisional cast on was trying. I'd never done it before and the video from was confusing to me. With some new searching, I was able to find a video online depicting a new - and in my opinion better - provisional cast on method. It's on KnittingAtKnoon and is SO much easier. I was able to cast on quickly and get started.

The pattern is fairly simple to follow but requires attention! I've frogged it once so far due to too many errors but I'm hoping I've learned from my mistakes :-)

I'm also still working on the Back to Basics socks. It took a while to take off but now it's really starting to fly. Stockinette is so nice when chit-chatting or watching TV. I'm at a point now where I need the fiance to try it on, however, so it's on hold until that happens.

Friday, February 8, 2008

So I finished the Quant rather quickly and but haven't gotten around to posting about it. I didn't have any issues as it turns out - I just thought I had! Not enough sleep I guess :-P Anyhow, it turned out wonderfully, especially after being blocked (this is definitely a project that needs blocking). (picture coming soon)

Lately I've been fighting with the Back to Basics Socks pattern from Knitty. In Seattle back in November, I'd purchased some sock yarn that Erik really liked but I'd been unsuccessful in my search for a simple sock pattern. Until I saw Back to Basics on Knitty. I knew it was the perfect pattern. The only drawback is knitting on such small needles for the first time (size 2) - it's kind of hard on the hands. Also this is the first time I've knit toe up socks AND the first time I've knit with two circulars at once. Lots of firsts, considering this is my second pair of socks!

Other projects I'd like to start soon: Caliormetry, garter for the wedding.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Coming Along

The Quant is coming along. About 75% done now. Though some how I messed up last night and got the left side longer than the right side. I'm hoping I can take it apart without ripping out too much. I'm not a very good knitting fixer.

Wedding planning is coming along too. Which reminds me that I need to start knitting the garter and bikini (for the honeymoon). It's nice to think of May and Vegas during the cold, dark winter.